Christoph Lucks - Innovator und Gründer der Lucks Technologies GmbH
Christoph Lucks, Founder of Lucks Technologies GmbH

You just have to think about it until it becomes easy ...


At Lucks Technologies GmbH, we develop solutions for the maintenance of engineering structures and the optimisation of wind turbines.


At Lucks Technologies GmbH, we specialise in the development and application of measuring systems for the simple acquisition of target-oriented measured variables.



Developments and milestones from 1997 to today

Solarboat Rossi


Solarboot Rossi

First commercial charter boat

charter boat with self-sufficient

energy supply 




Bridge monitoring



Dynamic deformation measurements

on civil engineering structures




Dynamic load tests

Belastungstest Brücken


Simplification of the performance

of load tests on bridges



Founding windcomp 


Component tests 

University of Luxembourg

Blade angle measurements offshore

Blattwinkelmessungen per Laser


Laser measurement system for

the determination

of imbalances


Bauteiltest SPRK



Destructive component tests

at the University of




Blattwinkelmessungen Offshore

 Acoustic method

for the determination

of imbalances



Please feel free to call me or write to me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions. 


Best regards from Hamburg,

Christoph Lucks